
It’s about advance transitions in English writing.

object clause(宾语从句)



The team lost the final game of the season, thereby missing the playoffs
(thereby : through the reason)

Due to the team lost the final game of the season, they missed the palyoffs

Lisa studied for three straight weeks and (Lisa) was thereby able to pass her test
(Because the reason of the last sentence and have result of the next sentence)

(Reproduce) : The ability to compound the spatial information of the CNN model exists some intractable bottlenecks and are thereby limiting the development of the AI



Therein lies the rub.───难就难在这里

The contract does not allow for extended maternity leave; therein lies the problem for the union, 60% of whose membership is young women
(合同不允许延长产假; 这就是工会的问题所在,60% 的会员是年轻女性)

The tomb, and all the contents therein(在坟墓的内容), were photographed before analysis could begin == The tomb and and all the contents were photographed before analysis could begin.

(这里的were代表前面是多个东西,需要保持consensus,所以需要加and,这里也是两个东西,用and连接; before这个介词比较特殊,后面可以加句子,比如:Please come to my house before you leave.


thereof=of that thing mentioned earlier

Fine wines, and a knowledge thereof (of wines) are a luxury few can afford

What he did made US surprised,这个句子就是一个主语从句做主语的例子
The bag i bought is too big.
What you see is what you get. 所见即所得。)

We will focus on China, espeically its history and culture thereof (=of China).

Both parties had their sights foused on the northern regions, especially the demographics thereof, and were preparing for an ad wars


I am well-prepared, there is no reason, therefore, that I should stumble
(I am well-prepared. Therefore there is no reason that I should stumble)


He worked at the university until he retired; thereafter, he took on sporadic work as a consultant.


Wherein(in which); wherein=in which part

It is not specified wherein (in which part) he violated the law.

The affidavit did not implictly outline wherein Mr.Smith had broken any laws.


whereby= by means of which/according to which

a proposal whereby (according to the proposal) everyone has to learn Chinesea

a system whereby (by means of the system) you can learn Chinese everywhere

The company introduced a new incentive program whereby all employees were given an equal shot at the bonuses.


= caused by this (document)

I hereby (affected by this situation) agree/submit…

Given the present circumstances, I hereby resign my post as CEO



The universe has always called to human beings; there could be no more final frontier than space.


Sam thought David was inviting him to the picnic to enjoy a nice day out; as it turned out, David was planning a surprise birthday party.

Author: Moule Lin
Reprint policy: All articles in this blog are used except for special statements CC BY 4.0 reprint polocy. If reproduced, please indicate source Moule Lin !